【海外ドラマで英語勉強】Suits シーズン9 エピソード1
- 1. come to my senses 目醒める、目を覚ます、正気に戻る
- 2. phone call 電話の呼び出し
- 3. get in (家・会社に)着く、くる
- 4. in the middle of 〜の最中、途中
- 5. cut to 途中を飛ばす、単刀直入に言う
- 6. doozy ものすごいこと
- 7. Vigorous 精力的な
- 8. come over やってくる、家を訪れる
- 9. climb out 〜から降りる、出る
- 10. story 〜階建て
- 11. Guilty as charged 起訴どおり有罪で
- 12. up all night 徹夜で
- 13. the more the merrier 多いほど楽しい
- 14. You know what あのね、あのな、知ってるだろ
- 15. leave out 除外する、省く、抜く
- 16. come to the right place 正しい場所にきた、うってつけの場所にきた
- 17. top notch at 〜について一流
- 18. stroke somebody’s ego 人をおだてる
- 19. hammer out 方策・案を議論・検討の末に打ち出す
- 20. stand behind を後押しする、の背後に立つ
- 21. We are agreed. 合意をしている、合意に達した
- 22. put out 発表する
- 23. lock up 拘留する、留める
- 24. every last one of them ひとり残らず全員
- 25. I’m on it. すぐに取り掛かる
- 26. I don’t get it. 意味がわからない。
- 27. to be fair 公平に言うと、公平にみて
- 28. fair enough なるほどね、それならいいでしょう、結構です
- 29. beg the question 論点をはぐらかす
- 30. clueless 無知な、手がかりがない
- 31. blowback 逆流、反動
- 32. in the right frame of mind 適切な心構え、平常な心である
- 33. hang on somebody’s every word 一語一句漏らさずに聞く
- 34. What do you say? どう?
- 35. change into 〜に着替える
- 36. good name 良い評判、名誉、名声
- 37. all the same それでも
- 38. hemorrhage 大量出血する、を損失する
- 39. put in a position 立場に置く、立場に陥らせる
- 40. of your own accord 自発的に、誰にも指示されることなく
- 41. put up を掲げる、提出する、売り物に出す
- 42. this fast こんなに早く
- 43. if の場合
- 44. poison the well 井戸を毒する
- 45. after somebody 誰かを追い求めている
- 46. Go after ~を得ようとする、追いかける
- 47. blackmail into 脅して〜させる
- 48. pay a visit 訪問をする
- 49. In review 点検中
- 50. keep something from someone 何かを人から隠す
- 51. Be/get over something 何かを乗り越える、片をつける、吹っ切れる
- 52. Turn out 最終的に~になる
- 53. That makes two of us 私もそう思います。(そう思うのはあなたの他にもう1人(自分がいる))
- 54. Figure ~と考える
- 55. Cut the shit 無駄な話をやめる
- 56. Whisper ひそひそ噂する、こっそり言いふらす
- 57. Raid our kitchen キッチンのものを好きに食べる
- 58. One too many times 何回も〜しすぎる
- 59. drive a wedge between 〜の間に楔を打ち込む、仲違いさせる
- 60. all you want 好きなだけ
- 61. back off 手出しするのをやめろ
- 62. hitch your wagon to the star 星に馬車をつなげ(大志を抱け)
- 63. sweet pea かわいこちゃん
- 64. disgraced 面目を潰された、汚名を負わされた
- 65. goodwill 好意、善意、信用
- 66. off the record 非公式で、オフレコで
- 67. work up about 〜のことで興奮する、イライラする
- 68. gut 腹わた
- 69. I’ve gotta say 言わないといけない
- 70. leave your side あなたの側を離れる
- 71. speaking of 〜といえば
- 72. What about it? それがどうかした?
- 73. Check up on 様子を確認する
- 74. the truth is 本当のところは、実際のところは
- 75. leave you in the lurch あなたを見放す、見捨てる
- 76. come to noun 名詞になる
- 77. I don’t have it in me. 私の中にそれがなくて(元気、気持ち、勇気など)
- 78. soft-pedal 表現を控えめにする
- 79. You could say that. そうかもしれないね。そう言えるね。
- 80. pull back 引っ込める
- 81. overheard ふと耳にする
- 82. take a bullet for 〜をかばって撃たれる、銃弾を受ける、甘んじて非難を受ける
- 83. Rip down 引き剥がす
- 84. at the cost of 〜を犠牲にして
- 85. character 高潔さ、品性
- 86. Take the easy way out 簡単な道を選ぶ
- 87. even more さらにいっそう
- 88. pile (積み重ねの)山
- 89. what do you say? どうかな?どう思う?
- 90. keynote speaker 基調講演者
- 91. vouch for 〜を保証する
- 92. On my watch 私の管理下で
- 93. ask of 〜を要求する
- 94. high-powered clients 強力な顧客
- 95. How so? どんなふうに?
- 96. sell this move この計画を売り込む
- 97. Stand by〜 (苦しい時に)人を支える、力になる
- 98. blunt 率直な
- 99. Strike out 三振する
- 100. might as well〜 〜する方がましだ。する他ない。しない手はない。した方が良い。
- 101. At the moment 今は
- 102. take a hit 損害を被る
- 103. break your back 骨をおる、一生懸命に頑張る
- 104. not sleep a wink 一睡もしない
- 105. Was he, now? まあ、そうだったの?
- 106. There will be consequences. ツケがやってくる。
- 107. There’s no way SV 絶対に〜しない
- 108. Nice of you あなたはいい人だ(ありがとう)
- 109. And? それで
- 110. Things change 状況が変わった。
- 111. romp 行きずりの恋
- 112. I’m listening. 聞かせてください。
- 113. at the helm 指揮を取っている
- 114. ramification 影響
- 115. Magnetism 魅力
- 116. Truth be told/known 本心を打ち明けると、実際は
- 117. Get it out of your system たまった鬱憤を吐き出す
- 118. nuts イカれてる
- 119. Mugger 強盗
- 120. Look out for に気を配る
- 121. awful 最悪
- 122. Get out of my face 消え失せろ、失せろ
- 123. It’s on 戦闘開始
- 124. be crawling with something/somebody 人・虫などで埋め尽くされる
- 125. inflict 損害を与える
- 126. I can live with that. それを受け入れられる
- 127. Don’t give it another thought. もう気にしないで
- 128. bend over backwards 全力を尽くす、最大限努力する
- 129. put an end to something 〜を終息させる
- 130. over my dead body 私の目の色が黒いうちにはそんなことはさせない
- 131. drag in 人を引きずりこむ
- 132. back off 手出しするのをやめろ
- 133. It’s fun 〜ing 〜することが楽しい & rub it in 〜をあげつらう
- 134. wrap around を包み込む
- 135. Finish that sentence 最後まで言う
- 136. Back off 手出しするのを止める、手を引く
- 137. Cost somebody dearly 人に打撃を与える
- 138. pry 詮索する
- 139. have got to しなければならなくなった
- 140. cost a fortune 大金がかかる
- 141. a thing 実際にあるもの
- 142. ever since それ以来
- 143. the other morning/night/day 先日の朝/夜、先日
- 144. come over やってくる、家を訪ねる
- 145. See? ほらね、そうだろう
- 146. brick by brick ひとつひとつ
- 147. Be that as it may そうするほかない
come to my senses 目醒める、目を覚ます、正気に戻る
I just wish I’d come to my senses sooner.
phone call 電話の呼び出し
Wheeler, phone call for you. Says it’s urgent.
get in (家・会社に)着く、くる
I got in early this morning because I figured we’d have a lot to take care of with the whole Robert situation, which is why I was here when the call came in and…
in the middle of 〜の最中、途中
cut to 途中を飛ばす、単刀直入に言う
Katrina, I’m in the middle of a workout. Can you just cut to it?
doozy ものすごいこと
Well, in that case, I hope she listens to her messages before Mike, 'cause I just left him a doozy.
Vigorous 精力的な
Because more vigorous isn’t necessarily better.
come over やってくる、家を訪れる
Because I am glad I came over last night.
Me too.
You do know I’m coming over again tonight, right?
climb out 〜から降りる、出る
story 〜階建て
Well, I can’t climb out the window, if that’s what you’re suggesting.
We’re 12 stories up.
Guilty as charged 起訴どおり有罪で
And you’re in the same exact clothes you were in last night.
Guilty as charged.
up all night 徹夜で
We were indeed.
Up all night.
the more the merrier 多いほど楽しい
I don’t know. They do say the more the merrier.
You know what あのね、あのな、知ってるだろ
leave out 除外する、省く、抜く
You know what, I don’t care that you left me out. The most important thing is that you guis were banging it out all night.
come to the right place 正しい場所にきた、うってつけの場所にきた
top notch at 〜について一流
Then you came to the right place, because Donna is top notch at releases.
stroke somebody’s ego 人をおだてる
Will you please stop stroking each other’s egos?
hammer out 方策・案を議論・検討の末に打ち出す
In fact, I hammered one out this morning.
stand behind を後押しする、の背後に立つ
It takes responsibility while still standing behind our partner.
We are agreed. 合意をしている、合意に達した
So we are agreed. We stand behind Robert.
put out 発表する
Well, then I’ll put this out right away.
lock up 拘留する、留める
every last one of them ひとり残らず全員
And, Harvey, when you get in, get together with Samantha and make sure the two of you lock up every last one of Robert’s clients.
I’m on it. すぐに取り掛かる
I’m on it, Louis.
I don’t get it. 意味がわからない。
I don’t get it. How could he be such a good lawyer and not see what’s right in front of his face.
to be fair 公平に言うと、公平にみて
fair enough なるほどね、それならいいでしょう、結構です
To be fair, you didn’t see what was right in front of your face for 12 years.
Fair enough.
beg the question 論点をはぐらかす
But it does beg the question.
clueless 無知な、手がかりがない
blowback 逆流、反動
in the right frame of mind 適切な心構え、平常な心である
Because Louis might be clueless, but he’s right. There’s gonna be a lot of blowback from the hearing, and I’d rather share our news when the people we care about are in the right frame of mind to hear it.
hang on somebody’s every word 一語一句漏らさずに聞く
Harvey, I want to know everything, and when I do, I want to be able to hang on every last word, but now’s not the time.
What do you say? どう?
change into 〜に着替える
good name 良い評判、名誉、名声
So what do you say that you go home and you change into that armor and you get ready to fight for Robert’s good name?
all the same それでも
All the same, you showed a lot of courage exposing your partner. Robert Zane’s a legend. That couldn’t have been easy.
hemorrhage 大量出血する、を損失する
put in a position 立場に置く、立場に陥らせる
Because the man broke privilege, and put your firm in a position to start hemorrhaging clients.
of your own accord 自発的に、誰にも指示されることなく
Let’s just say it would be to everyone’s benefit if you and your partners take that name down of your own accord.
put up を掲げる、提出する、売り物に出す
Three of them have already put their accounts up for review.
this fast こんなに早く
if の場合
poison the well 井戸を毒する
And the only way that could happen this fast is if somebody’s already poisoned the well.
after somebody 誰かを追い求めている
You think Hardman’s still after us?
Go after ~を得ようとする、追いかける
Then who the hell knew to go after his clients?
blackmail into 脅して〜させる
The same man that tried to blackmail Robert into taking his name off our wall.
pay a visit 訪問をする
I’m talking about you and I going to pay a visit to Eric Kaldor.
In review 点検中
You’re putting us in review.
keep something from someone 何かを人から隠す
You knew something, and you kept it from me.
Be/get over something 何かを乗り越える、片をつける、吹っ切れる
We’ve been over this. The reason I…
What we haven’t been over is that I was forced to lie yesterday.
Turn out 最終的に~になる
That makes two of us 私もそう思います。(そう思うのはあなたの他にもう1人(自分がいる))
Then let me at least say this: I appreciate what you did and I’m sorry it turned out this way.
That makes two of us.
Figure ~と考える
Cut the shit 無駄な話をやめる
Whisper ひそひそ噂する、こっそり言いふらす
Raid our kitchen キッチンのものを好きに食べる
One too many times 何回も〜しすぎる
I figured you guys would be, uh, too busy cleaning up Robert’s mess to come play hockey.
Cut the shit, Eric. We know you’re going after Robert’s clients.
It’s funny, when I first started whispering that Robert was stepping down, nobody believed me. But now they think I’m a regular Nostradamus.
それは面白い。ロバートが辞任すると最初に言いふらし始めたとき、誰も私を信じていなかった。 しかし今、彼らは私が本当のノストラダムスだと思っている。
And if you think we’re just gonna stand by and let you raid our kitchen, you’ve been checked into the boards one too many times.
drive a wedge between 〜の間に楔を打ち込む、仲違いさせる
all you want 好きなだけ
And you can try to drive a wedge between us all you want. It’s not gonna work.
back off 手出しするのをやめろ
So why don’t you go ahead and tell us, what’s it gonna take for you to back off Robert’s clients.
hitch your wagon to the star 星に馬車をつなげ(大志を抱け)
sweet pea かわいこちゃん
You keep hitching your wagon to the wrong man, sweet pea.
disgraced 面目を潰された、汚名を負わされた
You’re probably gonna want to think about my offer before you say no. But don’t take too long, all right? And if you lay a hand on me one more time, I’ll have you thrown out of the Bar faster than your disgraced mentor.
君たちはおそらくノーと言う前に私の申し出について考えたいと思うでしょう。 でも、時間をかけすぎるなよ。 そして、お前がもう一度私に手を置いたら、私はあなたの恥ずべきメンターよりも早くお前を弁護士会から追放させるからな。
goodwill 好意、善意、信用
Because Harvey used up all of our goodwill when he asked him to goddamn lie for us.
off the record 非公式で、オフレコで
It was off the record, but the guy pretty much told me if we don’t take Zane’s name down, they’ll do it for us.
work up about 〜のことで興奮する、イライラする
gut 腹わた
Well, then what are you so worked up about, Alex?
Because in the past two hours I’ve been punched in the gut twice, and I want to do something about it.
I’ve gotta say 言わないといけない
I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen you like that before.
leave your side あなたの側を離れる
I wasn’t tempted, Harvey. If Robert taught me anything, it’s that when a teammate is being attached, you don’t leave their side.
speaking of 〜といえば
What about it? それがどうかした?
Check up on 様子を確認する
the truth is 本当のところは、実際のところは
Speaking of last night…
What about it?
I know I said I didn’t need you checking up on me, but you did anyway. And the truth is, I appreciate it. Because I was hurting.
But then you just up and left. What happened?
でも、あなたはただ立ち上がって去りました。 何が起こったの?
leave you in the lurch あなたを見放す、見捨てる
But, Samantha, I’m sorry if I left you in the lurch.
come to noun 名詞になる
Well, I wish it hadn’t come to that, but I understand.
I don’t have it in me. 私の中にそれがなくて(元気、気持ち、勇気など)
Please don’t say it. You said everything there is to say yesterday. The truth is, I…I didn’t call you back because I just didn’t have it in me to endure hearing the rest.
soft-pedal 表現を控えめにする
You don’t have to soft-pedal it, Donna. Nobody goes from spending their nights together to lunch.
You could say that. そうかもしれないね。そう言えるね。
Tough day?
Yeah, you could say that. The Bar wants us to take Robert’s name down. But before I tell them to go to hell…
pull back 引っ込める
overheard ふと耳にする
The students that were hoping to interview with you this year pulled their resumes back. I overheard some of them talking. They said if you’re not willing to distance yourself from someone who’s been disbarred, then you don’t care about the reputation of your firm.
take a bullet for 〜をかばって撃たれる、銃弾を受ける、甘んじて非難を受ける
Rip down 引き剥がす
The man took a huge bullet for us, Sheila. I’m not just gonna rip his name down now.
at the cost of 〜を犠牲にして
character 高潔さ、品性
Take the easy way out 簡単な道を選ぶ
Sheila, when our child grows up and asks me how to make decisions, I’m not going to say, “Take the way out that protects your reputation at the cost of you character".
even more さらにいっそう
Well, it’s not ideal but I know what it’s like to be having a tough conversation and not wanna say something that’s gonna hurt the other person even more.
pile (積み重ねの)山
what do you say? どうかな?どう思う?
Well, as long as we’re going after Kaldor’s, what do you say we also go after Ellen Rand’s?
What do you think this pile is?
keynote speaker 基調講演者
That’s fine, I can come to them. You have a ethics conference coming up. Let me be the keynote speaker.
vouch for 〜を保証する
On my watch 私の管理下で
All right , Louis. I’ll try. But if I’m gonna vouch for you, I want you to tell me what happened. Is Robert undercutting you just to get even? I don’t buy it.
分かった、ルイス。 やってみよう。 しかし、私があなたを保証するなら、私はあなたに何が起こったのか教えてほしい。 ロバートは、痛み分けにするためだけにあなたを弱体化させるか? 私はそうは思わない。
Well, if you could figure out that Robert wouldn’t do this, you could figure out the truth for yourself.
Harvey. Louis… how could this happen on your watch?
ask of 〜を要求する
Well, then why don’t you concern yourself with what I asked of you? And concern yourself with it before the end of the week.
high-powered clients 強力な顧客
You’ll also be gaining access to our network of high-powered clients.
How so? どんなふうに?
How so? どんなふうに?
How so?
sell this move この計画を売り込む
I like Robert but I can’t sell this move. To my board, Zane is a four-letter word.
Stand by〜 (苦しい時に)人を支える、力になる
We do stand by him.
blunt 率直な
Then I’ll be blunt. His name is only half of it.
Strike out 三振する
Hi Harvey, where are you? I struck out.
might as well〜 〜する方がましだ。する他ない。しない手はない。した方が良い。
We might as well give Eric the keys to Robert’s house,
At the moment 今は
At the moment, it’s not going at all.
take a hit 損害を被る
Our reputation took a hit.
break your back 骨をおる、一生懸命に頑張る
I mean, I have been breaking my back to get this done and I can’t even reach Harvey, which makes me wonder if he even gives a shit about this at all.
not sleep a wink 一睡もしない
Was he, now? まあ、そうだったの?
The night it happened he did not sleep a wink because he was up all night at Donna’s trying to figure out what to do.
Was he, now?
There will be consequences. ツケがやってくる。
Alex, if you don’t take action, there will be consequences.
There’s no way SV 絶対に〜しない
What I like are my partners, and there’s no way I would ever betray Louis Litt.
Nice of you あなたはいい人だ(ありがとう)
So nice of you to return.
And? それで
Look, Samantha…
Things change 状況が変わった。
Things change.
Like what?
romp 行きずりの恋
You were off having a little romp with person whose fault it really was.
I’m listening. 聞かせてください。
But we both would kill for Louis, and I respect that.
I’m listening.
at the helm 指揮を取っている
This firm’s in trouble, and I won’t let it go down while my captain is at its helm.
ramification 影響
You’re talking about the ramifications of Robert leaving.
Magnetism 魅力
I have to admit, when I look at you I see myself. Though, more attractive with far less sexual magnetism.
Truth be told/known 本心を打ち明けると、実際は
Because I’m starting to care about you, and truth be told, your beauty’s a turn-off.
Get it out of your system たまった鬱憤を吐き出す
You go in there tomorrow, you let her get it out of her system.
nuts イカれてる
Are you nuts? I’m not hitting a woman.
Mugger 強盗
Louis said that she put down his mugger in about five seconds flat, and from what I know about fighting, the more pissed off person usually wins.
Look out for に気を配る
So if you’re not willing to give it to her, that’s not looking out for her.
awful 最悪
You feel awful about what you did, and I don’t want any excuses when I kick your ass.
Get out of my face 消え失せろ、失せろ
Get out of my face.
I’m not going anywhere.
It’s on 戦闘開始
I guess it’s on.
Yes, it is.
be crawling with something/somebody 人・虫などで埋め尽くされる
I need to talk to you, and I need it to be before this place is crawling with people.
inflict 損害を与える
But the longer we leave his name up there, the more damage we inflict on ourselves.
I can live with that. それを受け入れられる
We keep who we can keep, but his name stays up no matter what.
I can live with that.
Don’t give it another thought. もう気にしないで
Listen, I… about what I said earlier…
Don’t give it another thought. I understand you’re under a lot of stress.
bend over backwards 全力を尽くす、最大限努力する
Oh, damn it, I’m taking every action I can think of.
No, Louis, you’re bending over backwards to avoid taking the one action you should.
put an end to something 〜を終息させる
Been losing too many, and we need to put an end to this.
over my dead body 私の目の色が黒いうちにはそんなことはさせない
Samantha, I was just explaining to Harvey…
You weren’t explaining shit. You were going behind my back trying to pull Robert’s name down, and over my dead body is that gonna happen.
drag in 人を引きずりこむ
Well, look what the cat dragged in.
back off 手出しするのをやめろ
You’re backing off, and you’re backing off now.
It’s fun 〜ing 〜することが楽しい & rub it in 〜をあげつらう
It’s no fun winning if you can’t rub it in.
wrap around を包み込む
I mean, I knew she had Zane wrapped around her little finger, I just didn’t …
Finish that sentence 最後まで言う
Finish that sentence, Eric. Go ahead, finish that sentence.
Back off 手出しするのを止める、手を引く
Well, if it makes any difference, Rand Kaldor officially backed off?
ちなみに、Rand Kaldorが正式に手を引いたとしたら、何か違いがある?
Cost somebody dearly 人に打撃を与える
I put myself over the firm, and it cost you dearly.
pry 詮索する
I don’t mean to pry but do you know something I don’t?
have got to しなければならなくなった
I’ve got to admit I never thought I’d see this place again.
cost a fortune 大金がかかる
Well, it must have cost them a fortune.
a thing 実際にあるもの
It didn’t cost them a thing.
ever since それ以来
I’ve been paying rent ever since.
the other morning/night/day 先日の朝/夜、先日
You know, I’m glad that Louis interrupted us the other morning.
come over やってくる、家を訪ねる
I mean, a week ago I never would have come over knowing that you were still with Thomas.
See? ほらね、そうだろう
See? That’s what I love about you.
brick by brick ひとつひとつ
You do that, you might as well take us apart brick by brick.
Be that as it may そうするほかない
Be that as it may, the only way to avoid that outcome is for you to sign that document right now.